Bioaugmentation Products


Biological Products:



Bioaugmentation products for Wastewater applications in Papermills, Refineries, Chemical, Tanneries, Municipalities, Textiles, Steel, Agriculture, Animal feedlot,  Gun Powder plant, Food and Beverage- Dairy Products, Orange Juice factory, Wineries, Cookie factory, Vegetable processing plant, Meat packing, Barbecue Restaurant, Aquaculture, Ornamental Ponds with algae , CAFO, Nursing homes, Military, Campgrounds, Universities, Regulatory agencies, River and Lake remediation



Lab Services:



Filamentous Identification Lab Service. One reason to identify filaments is to determine the filaments characteristics and then determine the type present.  If the type is found out, a root cause can usually be associated with a particular filament.  If the cause is known, then a correction can be made to alleviate problems. Chlorination is only a quick fix.  Without process changes, filaments will grow back after chlorination.

Wastewater Biomass Analyses and Cooling Tower Analyses also available


Training Materials:



Training is an integral part of any job. Not everyone is at the same level of training. Many people want beginning concepts and basics. Some need technical information or troubleshooting. Some want equipment, technology or process information.

We have developed a full set of Basic training, Advanced training, Filamentous Identification the Easy Way as well as custom training CD's Manuals. We also provide hands-on training classes and soon will have an Online "E-University".


Audits and Consulting:


At Environmental Leverage® Inc., we have a team of experienced individuals who come into your plant with a fresh pair of eyes.  The system is checked from influent to effluent.  System optimization, equipment efficiency and operational excellence are key components explored. Key Benefits Equipment efficiency Total Cost of Operation reductions Reliability and safety

An onsite audit is conducted to examine system parameters, process controls, and current monitor and control procedures. A physical walk-through is conducted, process flow diagrams are examined, previous design criteria are examined and current standard operating procedures are evaluated along with data logs.




Bioaugmentation Products

Latest News!

What's New!

We have just added "Virtual Audits" to our capabilities. Check out our new Services.  We are in the process of developing new courses for our ""Online E-University" in order to meet the needs of our global customers that cannot travel to our public classes.Visit our new website

Bacterial Products to Supplement Your Existing Bio Population.
Non-Pathogenic & Naturally Occuring Bacteria.

Bioaugmentation is the application of specifically selected bacteria (microbes) into a wastewater treatment systems, pond/lagoons and Aquaculture systems to enhance the system performance. Reduces TSS and final effluent problems. Bioaugmentation has many applications in all types of biological wastewater treatment systems, including once-through lagoons, activated sludge plants, sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) and rotating biological contactors (RBCs).

If you have an activated sludge plant, many times minor process changes coupled with close monitor and control of the biomass can help quicken upset recovery or just increase process efficiency. Not all plants need biological additives...Some just need to improve the "critical 5" parameters.

But some plants have constantly changing influents.  No matter how great a control they have, their biomass is in constant flux.  Sometimes adding a biological product or micronutrients can help stabilize and increase the efficiency of the biomass. MicroClear MicroChill bacterial product


Environmental Leverage Bioaugmentation Bacterial Products WastewaterBiological Wastewater Treatment Products
Click above Phrase link or Image to Left for Product Catalog

We carry a full line of biological products that come in various forms- Powder, Liquid or Solids in various different containers and numerous sizes specifically designed to fit your needs. Check out the individual product bulletins by clicking on the links of the name of each product. Dry Formulations In 1lb. Water Soluble Pouches

MicroClear® MicroChill - Cold Weather Bacteria Formulation
This formula contains a unique and proprietary blend of psychrophilic microorganisms that are naturally occurring bacteria with the ability to grow at 4°C, and lower. Because of the diversity of the microorganisms and enzyme systems, incorporated into this product, it is
excellent for use in Municipal, Lagoons and Industrial Wastewater applications.

Click this sentence link for a Pdf of the MicroClear® MicroChill™ Product Bulletin



MicroBlock for FOG liftstations bacterial productMicroClear® MicroBlock™ - Solid Slow Release Bacteria Formulation
Solid block products, like MicroBlock™, that are specifically formulated for use in lift stations, wetwells, pretreatment tanks and grease traps that are upstream of the plant. With the use of our products you will enjoy continued phone & email support / troubleshooting advise, from our Bioengineering Specialist at Environmental Leverage Inc., to help rid your existing FOG problems. Slow release MicroBlock™ technology gives 24 hour application. Packaged for use to be hung and submerged in various upstream situation where there is Odor problems & FOG problems. This biological solid product offers efficient alternatives to chemical use.


Click this sentence link for a Pdf of the MicroBlock™ Product Bulletin



MicroClear® BioNite™ - Odor Suppressant & Biological Organic Degradation Bacteria FormulationMicroClear BioNite bacterial product wastewater
This new proprietary formulation of ingredients containing a nitrate-based Electron Acceptor for Control of Odors. Contains a specially formulated, proprietary blend of microorganisms, micro/macronutrients, alternate oxygen source

and surface tension suppressants/penetrants.  Because of the diversity of the microorganism systems incorporated into this product it is specifically developed for use in situations where there is a particular high impact from odors as well as (FOG) fats, oils and grease. This product can be used in the treatment of liquid & solid organic waste. MicroClear® BioNite™ contains facultative anaerobes, as well as an alternate oxygen source by providing an abundance of oxygen (electron acceptor) for metabolism to occur. This formulation bio-stimulant is non-hazardous and completely biodegradable. Safe, cost effective, easy-to-handle method of odor control with no hazardous byproducts. A proven powdered bacterial product suited for liftstations, wetwells and grease traps.

Click this sentence link for a Pdf of the MicroClear® BioNite™ Product Bulletin


Click this sentence link for a Pdf of the MicroClear® & MicroSolv™ Complete Product Bulletin


Link to Bioaugmentation Products Summary Webpage.

MicroClear® 101 is a biological product for Algae Solutions, that was formulated for ornamental ponds, lakes, canals, lagoons or rivers that often have run-off water that causes pollutants to cause excess algae growth. This formulation is a biological product specifically formulated to be effective in enhancing municipal wastewater biology in lagoons also. Helps reduce solids build-up and lessons dredging costs. Reduces BOD and TSS


MicroClear® 102 For Saltwater Environments MicroClear 102 is a high potency, bacteria-laden, powdered formulation for use with algae issues through the competition of available nutrients in the water.

MicroClear® 105 is specially formulated to help in Anaerobic reactors. Aquaculture, Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Biomass      Click this link for MicroClear® 105 Product Bulletin

Aquaculture and aquafarming with fish and shrimp farming.MicroClear® 108 Shrimp and Fish Farming- A feed additive and water treatment product formulated to promote the production of healthy shrimp and fish in Aquaculture.  


MicroClear® 201 is a biological product that is specifically developed to be effective in enhancing municipal waste water biology in Activated Sludge, lagoons, Aeration basins as well as fixed film treatment systems such as RBC’s and trickling filters.


MicroClear® 205 is a powdered product that was developed for use in Food Based Industrial, for biological wastewater treatment of production wastewater for organics, greases, fats and oils. This product helps digest the organics, fats, oils and grease that can cause problems with foaming and filamentous bacteria. Supplements the existing biomass population of bacteria.


MicroClear® 206  is for Winery with high potency, bacteria-laden, powdered formulation for use in Winery Production Wastewater Applications. Winery Production Wastewater MicroClear 206MicroClear 206 Product Bulletin.


MicroClear® 207 is used for softening and degrading food type fat, oil and grease (FOG) in lift stations, municipal aeration treatment systems, WWTP's and can also be used in lagoon systems.


pig farmsMicroClear® 501 This is a new product specifically formulated and packaged for use in animal feed lots to help with odor control problems, reduce BOD and final effluent quality. Side benefits have been shown to increase animal health, increase weight gain, and reduce vet bills. Can be used in the Lagoon systems and manure troughs.


MicroSolv™ Product Line

MicroSolv™ 106 is specifically formulated and packaged for use in golf courses to help remove thatch, and help keep the grass greener and healthier.


MicroSolv™ 118  is an improved biological product, specifically formulated and packaged for use in pulp and papermills to help with hard to degrade compounds. Because of the diversity of the microorganisms this product is excellent for pulp & paper wastewater applications where there are heavy influxes of cellulosic fibrous organic solids.


MicroSolv™ 200 is a broad spectrum microbial formulation designed to rapidly establish and maintain a healthy biomass in industrial plants. It is specifically  formulated to target how to degrade compounds and to help quickly re-establish the wastewater biomass in  activated sludge, lagoons, aeration basins as well as industrial treatment systems.


MicroSolv™ 200-T  MicroSolv 200-T is a high potency, bacteria-laden, powdered formulation for use in textiles. Industrial Production Wastewater


landfill leachate bioaugmentationMicroSolv™ 202  contains a specially formulated blend of microorganisms, micro/macronutrients, and surface tension suppressants/penetrants. Because of the diversity of the microorganisms and enzyme systems, incorporated into this product, it is excellent for use in Industrial Wastewater applications. The safe, naturally occurring bacteria are present

in high numbers to handle difficult industrial and landfill leachate wastewater problems.


MicroSolv™ 203  is a high potency, bacteria-laden, powdered formulation for use in for Palm Oil plants.


MicroSolv™ 400  is an improved biological product, specifically formulated and packaged for use in Refineries
and Chemical plants to help with hard to degrade compounds. The bacteria are extremely resistant to toxic effects
of the chemical pollutant fraction and are able to multiply and metabolize in the presence of certain heavy metals.


MicroSolv™ 410 This product is an improved biological product, specifically formulated and packaged for use in Steel mills to help with hard to degrade compounds. The bacteria are able to degrade rolling oils and are able to multiply and metabolize in the presence of certainrefinery heavy metals.


MicroSolv™ 420  is a high potency, bacteria-laden, powdered formulation for use in for Mining applications.


Liquid Formulations

MicroSolv™ 600L is a high potency, bacteria-laden, liquid formulation containing aerobic and facultative bacteria, which help facilitate the nitrification/denitrification process under certain conditions that may occur in wastewater situations. MicroSolv 600L is a selectively chosen product of Nitrobacter spp. and Nitrosomonas spp. naturally occurring bacteria which are indigenous to soil, stream, and esturaries.

MicroPuck and MicroBlock for FOG


MicroClear® 1XFHC This liquid is specially formulated and packaged for direct addition to drains and grease traps in homes, restaurants and commercial buildings.


MicroClear® 35S 10X Liquid formulation for car washes MicroClear 35S 10X is a liquid solution of specially selected multi-cultured bacterial strain concentrate. These enzyme catalysts work synergistically for the fastest action available in a liquid digestant using natures own cleaning agents.


MicroSolv™ L-Marine contains a synergized blend of biological organisms, all of which has been selectively chosen for accelerated degradation capabilities of organic compounds such as grease, fats, proteins, starch, sugars, and cellulose. MicroSolv L-Marine is specially formulated andMarine Sanitation MicroClear 209

packaged for direct addition to drains and small septic tanks.  A special odor eliminator and fragrance is added to help kill odors nearly anywhere.



Micronutrients - MicroClear® M100 Click this sentence for Product Bulletin

Research biologists have long known the importance of micronutrients, such as trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins, in the growth and reproduction of healthy cells.  Micronutrients are a blend of trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins designed to improve performance of biological systems at the bacterial cell level. Much of the work on micronutrients was pioneered in the agricultural industries of poultry, cattle and pig farming.  This product is fed daily as a source of vitamins to the animals.  winter wastewater MicroClear MicroChill
Under controlled conditions, researchers have been able to develop formulations that provide an optimum micronutrient balance to ensure rapid and healthy growth for bacteria in a biological wastewater setting. These micronutrients enhance biological growth and provide the critical building blocks necessary to maintaining a healthy floc-forming population.   This product is a naturally occurring product, not a blend of chemicals.
aeration basin with micronutrients MicroClear M100Basically, it is the equivalent of "Bug Vitamins". The formulation consists of three types of micronutrients: trace minerals, amino acids and vitamins.  There are sixteen trace minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper and zinc.  The formulation also includes twenty amino acids, such as lysine, and thirteen vitamins, including folic acid.

Micronutrients are metallic cations or anions such as: Ag, B, Cr, Co, Cu, F, I, Mn, Mo, Se, Si, Sn, V, and Zn.  Although their composition is small in relative quantity, (less than 1% of total microbial weight), micronutrients are indispensable for life and form bio-molecules that have specific cellular functions.


MicroClear® M100 Micronutrient Supplement. This product is specifically formulated and packaged for use in wastewater treatment biological systems to obtain healthier biomass. It has been found to shorten the lag growth time and increase activity, as well as floc formation, BOD removal and TSS removal.


MicroClear® NF420  Plant and Root Stimulant - Fortifies Plant Growth Micronutrient Supplement

Our enrichment product is an Organic Kelp Micronutrient. To promote healthier plant species.


Bioaugmentation Benefitslagoon remediation

Key Benefits

  • Increased BOD and TSS removal
  • Reduction in polymer consumption
  • Decreased environmental liabilities
  • Increase in system reliability and efficiency
  • Increased sludge reduction/reduced solids handling costs

Products by Applicationrefinery remediation

**Bioaugmentation Programs include technical support, computer based training and long term programs include occasional complimentary Wastewater Biomass Analyses of your system.




Click on Links below for Additional Troubleshooting Pages

For More information on Products:

Biological Products, Descriptions,  Usage and Applications


Case Histories

 Biological products for use in wastewater applications for bioengineering and bioaugmentation

aeration basinBiological Wastewater Treatment Products


How are your bugs doing?

The Most Comprehensive Filamentous Bacteria Training Program you will find
    Filamentous Identification Training class
    Filamentous Identification The Easy Way™ - Training Program CD
waterfallWastewater Biomass Analyses Brochure
Sample Case History


More information
Additional training Materials

Click Link: Printable PDF of All Training Materials

Wastewater Training Classes

Wastewater Training CD's