

Biological Products:



Bioaugmentation products for Wastewater applications in Papermills, Refineries, Chemical, Tanneries, Municipalities, Textiles, Steel, Agriculture, Animal feedlot,  Gun Powder plant, Food and Beverage- Dairy Products, Orange Juice factory, Wineries, Cookie factory, Vegetable processing plant, Meat packing, Barbecue Restaurant, Aquaculture, Ornamental Ponds with algae , CAFO, Nursing homes, Military, Campgrounds, Universities, Regulatory agencies, River and Lake remediation



Lab Services:



Filamentous Identification Lab Service. One reason to identify filaments is to determine the filaments characteristics and then determine the type present.  If the type is found out, a root cause can usually be associated with a particular filament.  If the cause is known, then a correction can be made to alleviate problems. Chlorination is only a quick fix.  Without process changes, filaments will grow back after chlorination.

Wastewater Biomass Analyses and Cooling Tower Analyses also available


Training Materials:



Training is an integral part of any job. Not everyone is at the same level of training. Many people want beginning concepts and basics. Some need technical information or troubleshooting. Some want equipment, technology or process information.

We have developed a full set of Basic training, Advanced training, Filamentous Identification the Easy Way as well as custom training CD's Manuals. We also provide hands-on training classes and soon will have an Online "E-University".


Audits and Consulting:


At Environmental Leverage® Inc., we have a team of experienced individuals who come into your plant with a fresh pair of eyes.  The system is checked from influent to effluent.  System optimization, equipment efficiency and operational excellence are key components explored. Key Benefits Equipment efficiency Total Cost of Operation reductions Reliability and safety

An onsite audit is conducted to examine system parameters, process controls, and current monitor and control procedures. A physical walk-through is conducted, process flow diagrams are examined, previous design criteria are examined and current standard operating procedures are evaluated along with data logs.




Municipal Wastewater Treatment

What's New!

We have just added "Virtual Audits" to our capabilities. Check out our new Services.  We are in the process of developing new courses for our ""Online E-University" in order to meet the needs of our global customers that cannot travel to our public classes.Visit our new website

municipal wwtp 

Municipalities have numerous wastewater issues.  Even though it may appear that they have a steady influent, they do have fluctuations. Rain can cause huge hydraulic overloads to a plant as well as wash down grease from the collection system.


Temperature has a big impact on municipalities.


Industries that discharge to municipalities can causes overloads in BOD and TSS.

Grease removal or FOG problems, by using bacterial products can not only clean out your lift stations and reduce costly maintenance problems, but it also helps reduce jetting out the lines, and additional grease loading and filamentous problems with Nocardia and Microthrix at your wastewater treatment plant.


Municipal clarifier bioaugmentationClarifier optimization can impact the RAS and solids that not only are returned to the front of the plant, but what condition the sludge is in that is sent on to dewatering. Ask about our Clarifier Optimization training.


Nitrification can be a big problem. An overall nitrogen balance is recommended. Just because the EPA does not make certain tests required, does not mean that they should be performed for process control and optimization. Learn more . . . .. .


Cold Weather- Oil and Grease

Oil and Grease- What is it and how to get rid of it

FOG Case Histories

Bioaugmentation at Municipalities

New Case Histories

Collections systems and Lift stations

Troubleshooting Lift Stations

EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project, Municipalities.  More information can be obtained on the EPA website or by contacting Environmental Leverage


municipal wastewater bioaugmentation


Municipal wastewater bioaugmentationThere are tons of files containing information on every subject from A to Z on the internet with standards, benchmarks and industry BMP's.  The problems is, who has time to dig and find it all. It is not always in easy to find places.  We have tried to show you some of the ones we though might be useful. There are links to the places where we found some of them in case you want to dig deeper on a particular subject and find out more.


Two of the largest costs at a typical wastewater treatment plant are electricity and solids handling.solids handling
Reducing some of the solids at a municipal plant can be achieved in some cases.
If your plant has filamentous bacteria problems- reducing the amount of filaments can decrease the amount of sludge created, cut polymer costs and sometimes reduce hauling costs.


Ask for training on Solids Handling and cost reductions.
Ask for additional information on a Sludge Reduction Program.


How do you know if you just have too high a MLSS vs. filamentous bulking?
One thing that can be done is to run a settleometer test


Run a normal settleometer with the MLSS- Run a second one along side with 50/50 diluted with normal tap water. If the second one does not cut the rate of settling by half during the 30 minute settling time period, chances are that you have filamentous bulking.
Next, look under the microscope to see if there is bulking or bridging. Make sure you use a higher power. Many times filaments are overlooked- internal bulking is just as bad as bridging if not worse!


See our additional training sections on Filaments- knowing the causes of the filaments will help you determine what type of proper process controls to change.

Do you have problems with Grease in your lift stations that is causing filaments downstream?

Click on this link for MicroBlock Solid to remove FOG in your liftstations and wetwells.

grease in lift station

Watch what color the foam is on your aeration tank if you have one. A change from brown, to light brown to a crisp white foam can indicate a recent surge in BOD loading and can significantly impact your treatment process. Change your wasting rates or RAS or adjust with the use of bioaugmentation to try to catch up with the F/M loading. 


Did you know most biosolids can be land applied and have significant nutrient value. This can reduce the cost on N and P to the farmer by 30-50% depending upon the values measured in the cake solids and the crop nutrient requirements.


Click the link below for More Antifoam Information.

Antifoams- Basic information and when not to use.


More Information On Grease Below:

1 Collection systems and Sewersmanhole wil grease

2 Wastewater Lift stations

3 Grease and Septicity

4 Grease in Lift stations

5 Collection systems troubleshooting for Grease and oil

6 Cold, Oil and Grease

7 Grease and Oil or FOG in Municipalities and Industrial Facilities



Wastewater Lift stations- Grease and Septicity
What is growing in your collection system
Lab Testing and Troubleshooting Newsletter
Not all plants have Nocardia- Some have Microthrix- Some just have too many solids and low DO? Some have zoogleal bulking- Ask for our training information sheet on Foam-

m parvicella foaming  Nocardia foamFOG removal MicroClear 207 & MicroBlock

Microthrix foaming at a municipality        Nocardia foaming

MicroClear 207 is a powdered product that was developed for use in the biological wastewater treatment of greases, fats and oils. This product helps digest the fats, oils and grease that can cause problems with foaming and filamentous bacteria. This product can be used in liftstations as well as your WWTP, to control grease problems.


Wastewater Training Options

The greatest equipment and the most efficient, dedicated workers can be ineffective if they are not properly trained. At Environmental Leverage, we have years of experience in many process areas and technical expertise on equipment, systems and operations. Programs to optimize your system or custom training can be tailored to increase the reliability and efficiency of your plant. Look for self taught training materials and training courses below.


Wastewater basics   How to use the microscopeVisual troubleshooting a wastewater lagoonNitrification and denitrification


We have developed a full line of Training CD's and Elearning classes for training and operator CEU's.



Elearning and General Brochure Click for brochure

Online Wastewater Training ELearning -

Since wastewater training is such an integral part of any treatment system, we have been asked to develop an online waste water training program with some of our materials.
It is not always easy to get on a plane or travel attend a wastewater training class. Now you will be able to take waste water training courses at your leisure from your home or office.


Click here and Go straight to our WebSite -

Take a sneak peek inside our training courses with our ELearning Demo Make sure to create an account and log in.


Lab Poster


Lab Poster Higher Life Forms


Environmental Leverage Lab Poster for Wastewater Training. This Microbiology Poster has photos as well as descriptions and troubleshooting recommendations of common micro organisms found in most wastewater treatment plants.


Contact Environmental Leverage for more information about obtaining this poster for your lab or setting up hands on training, consulting and onsite audits.
Email or Call us at 630-906-9791


Click on this sentence link for MicroClear 207 FOG removal.


Audits and Onsite Training and Consulting

 In order to "Audit" or Troubleshoot a municipal wastewater treatment plant, a number of things need to be looked at. A physical walk-through of the plant needs to be conducted with visual observations noted. A microscopic analyses of the Biological portion of the waste treatment system needs to be conducted. Settleometer Testing needs to be conducted. A sludge judge should be used on a Clarifier Examination of lab data- current testing procedures and results Walk through and correlation of process side to wastewater treatment plant operations. A fully detailed final report is issued with process recommendations, system changes, areas for optimization and increased efficiency.


For a full onsite audit of your plant- Contact Environmental Leverage inc. 630-906-9791  

1 More troubleshooting for municipal plants:

2 Troubleshooting Lagoon Systemswastewater lagoon

3 Click this sentence: Sign up to receive our Monthly Email Newsletter & be ahead of the curve!


Bioaugmentation for reduction of BOD and TSS

MicroClear 201 is a  powdered product that was developed for use in the biological wastewater treatment plants.

Wastewater in the Fall- Problems and Solutions

Beneficial Reuse

Lagoons-Winter BOD issues and bioaugmentation

Learn how Environmental Leverage can help your plant

Bioaugmentation in Collection systems can impact on BOD and TSS downstream at the wwtp.

Filamentous bacteria can be a problem is solids are held too long in a clarifier also.

Oh no all my bugs are dead
Oh no, my nitrifiers are dead and I am not getting nitrification!
Why you should do a Total Nitrogen Balance
Amines in my Influent- Municipal Plants
Are you having foaming at your plant?
All foam is not alike
For more information on additional ways to decrease grease

Case History :  Municipal Foaming and Nocardia

foam on aeration basinfoaming on clarifier scum buildup

We started working with a municipality that had a history of foaming problems and Nocardia for years. They already were on a biological program.  We came in, audited the plant, made some process recommendations, changed the program to a dual program.  You can see solids build-up in the clarifier and the scum box is filled. The photo on the right is the thick Nocardia foam in the aeration basins.

For the first time the plant has actually seen MLSS in the aeration basins!

aeration basin aeration basin clarifer scum box

You can see the surface of the aeration basin, normal mlss and the scum box now only has a small amount of scum.

This plant will have to fight grease and foaming continually until it has an upgrade to the system, since it does not have prescreening to remove some of the grease and solids that do come in to normal municipal systems. Optimization of the primary, changes to the solids handling in the clarifier and a minor adjustment to the bacterial program will help to keep the plant running more smoothly though in the meantime!

Total System Optimization- Case History

Lab Testing and Troubleshooting Newsletter

More to come .  . . . .

Covid impact on Nitrification