Algae in Ornamental Ponds


Biological Products:



Bioaugmentation products for Wastewater applications in Papermills, Refineries, Chemical, Tanneries, Municipalities, Textiles, Steel, Agriculture, Animal feedlot,  Gun Powder plant, Food and Beverage- Dairy Products, Orange Juice factory, Wineries, Cookie factory, Vegetable processing plant, Meat packing, Barbecue Restaurant, Aquaculture, Ornamental Ponds with algae , CAFO, Nursing homes, Military, Campgrounds, Universities, Regulatory agencies, River and Lake remediation



Lab Services:



Filamentous Identification Lab Service. One reason to identify filaments is to determine the filaments characteristics and then determine the type present.  If the type is found out, a root cause can usually be associated with a particular filament.  If the cause is known, then a correction can be made to alleviate problems. Chlorination is only a quick fix.  Without process changes, filaments will grow back after chlorination.

Wastewater Biomass Analyses and Cooling Tower Analyses also available


Training Materials:



Training is an integral part of any job. Not everyone is at the same level of training. Many people want beginning concepts and basics. Some need technical information or troubleshooting. Some want equipment, technology or process information.

We have developed a full set of Basic training, Advanced training, Filamentous Identification the Easy Way as well as custom training CD's Manuals. We also provide hands-on training classes and soon will have an Online "E-University".


Audits and Consulting:


At Environmental Leverage® Inc., we have a team of experienced individuals who come into your plant with a fresh pair of eyes.  The system is checked from influent to effluent.  System optimization, equipment efficiency and operational excellence are key components explored. Key Benefits Equipment efficiency Total Cost of Operation reductions Reliability and safety

An onsite audit is conducted to examine system parameters, process controls, and current monitor and control procedures. A physical walk-through is conducted, process flow diagrams are examined, previous design criteria are examined and current standard operating procedures are evaluated along with data logs.




Troubleshooting-Algae in Ornamental Ponds

Latest News!

What's New!

We have just added "Virtual Audits" to our capabilities. Check out our new Services.  We are in the process of developing new courses for our ""Online E-University" in order to meet the needs of our global customers that cannot travel to our public classes.Visit our new website


Algae growth, causes and controls in Ornamental Ponds:  Pests or natures helpers. . . . .

algae in pondsWell, there are mixed opinions on Algae- are they truly pests or do they help clean up some of the excess chemicals found in our waterways and provide a food source for aquatic life?
Algae can be found growing in ponds, lakes, in clarifiers, de-chlorination tanks, etc.


More than 10,000 living diatom species are known, there are over 8,000 species of Algae, there are 1500 species of  Blue Green algae or Cyanobacteria, there are 6000 species of red algae or Rhodophyta . . . . the list goes on and on- ok, so identification is not as important as why is it growing, how it impacts my plant and how to get rid of it!!!


When summer time is here, and lots of plants, ornamental ponds, lakes and lagoons having difficulties with Algae control. We put together a few pages on plants and their issues. We also put together the types of algae that can be found as an fyi, because in reality, most of the algae that are growing in your plant, regardless of species, need to be controlled and removed!


There are various different controls depending upon the type of system, the cause and the location of the algae, maintenance, weir brushed, sprayers, manual scraping, control of nutrients, biological products, chlorination,  etc.. See our Troubleshooting guide for Algae problems.


Problems associated with Algae: Algae can cause numerous problems.  Algae can cause TSS problems in a wastewater system, can give false BOD readings, can clog pumps, cause short circuiting if build-up is on the weirs of a clarifier. Dead or dying algae can cause odors.


These photomicrographs were taken from many Ornamental Ponds 


winery in New Zealand

Winery Ornamental pond in New Zealand where bioaugmentation was used to help control algae growth due to runoff from sheep and cattle in the hills













ornamental pond ornamental pond ornamental pond

Local community retention pond-More plants than actual filamentous algae


ornamental pond ornamental pond ornamental pond

Notice the algae is more towards the edges where runoff brings nutrients, leaves and debris into the pond. In the center of the lake, the water is clear.


ornamental pond ornamental pond


ornamental pond ornamental pond ornamental pond

Ponds at a tree farm


ornamental pond ornamental pond ornamental pond

Nursery ponds-Brown algae


ornamental pond ornamental pond ornamental pond

Smaller ponds with heavy deposits of leaves cause high algae blooms. Bioaugmentation can be used to help degrade the excess BOD and nutrients.

Mixing and aeration are recommended also.

ornamental pond ornamental pond ornamental pond

Neighborhood ponds- notice how they planted a natural buffer of wildflowers and then cattails in the water to not only reduce the amount of run-off that might make its way into the pond, but to also use up some of the excess nutrients in their natural growth cycle.



ornamental ponds ornamental ponds

Bioaugmentation can be used in ponds, but it is cheaper and more efficient to use buffer zones, fountains, and nature itself to clean up where ever possible.

ornamental pond ornamental pond

Cat tails growing near the inlet to the pond with wild flowers to trap excess debris and consume some of the organics and nutrients.



ornamental pond ornamental pond ornamental pond

Waterfalls and fountains are a great way to put mixing and aeration into ponds and lakes.

Here there are fountains, but no buffer zone.  If you see foaming on a small lake, that typically means excess chemicals are present in the water

How cloudy or turbid is the water?


ornamental pond algae and scum

In these ponds, the water is cloudy and algae is growing where trees, leaves and debris make their way into the ponds.

Is the water clear and can you see down a few feet?


Bioaugmenation in Rivers and Lakes

Lake and River Remediation


Call Environmental Leverage today to learn more about an Algae control program!

MicroClear 101

Microscopic analyses of your system

More Troubleshooting

Algae in Wastewater Lagoons

Algae in various parts of a treatment plant

Algae in Ornamental or small pondsornamental pond

Algae in Lakes

Algae in Large Lakes

Algae in Clarifiers

Algae Species

Algae Photomicrographs

Algae Removal- Bioaugmentation

Algae Problems and solutions

Algae in Various parts of the Plant

Mystery bug of the Month- Algae

Salton Sea Diatoms

Salton Sea Algae

Salton Sea Free swimming ciliates


Wastewater Training Classes

Wastewater Training CD's