Biological Products:
Bioaugmentation products for Wastewater applications in Papermills, Refineries, Chemical, Tanneries, Municipalities, Textiles, Steel, Agriculture, Animal feedlot, Gun Powder plant, Food and Beverage- Dairy Products, Orange Juice factory, Wineries, Cookie factory, Vegetable processing plant, Meat packing, Barbecue Restaurant, Aquaculture, Ornamental Ponds with algae , CAFO, Nursing homes, Military, Campgrounds, Universities, Regulatory agencies, River and Lake remediation
Lab Services:
Filamentous Identification Lab Service. One reason to identify filaments is to determine the filaments characteristics and then determine the type present. If the type is found out, a root cause can usually be associated with a particular filament. If the cause is known, then a correction can be made to alleviate problems. Chlorination is only a quick fix. Without process changes, filaments will grow back after chlorination. Wastewater Biomass Analyses and Cooling Tower Analyses also available
Training Materials:
Training is an integral part of any job. Not everyone is at the same level of training. Many people want beginning concepts and basics. Some need technical information or troubleshooting. Some want equipment, technology or process information. We have developed a full set of Basic training, Advanced training, Filamentous Identification the Easy Way as well as custom training CD's Manuals. We also provide hands-on training classes and soon will have an Online "E-University".
Audits and Consulting:
At Environmental Leverage® Inc., we have a team of experienced individuals who come into your plant with a fresh pair of eyes. The system is checked from influent to effluent. System optimization, equipment efficiency and operational excellence are key components explored. Key Benefits Equipment efficiency Total Cost of Operation reductions Reliability and safety An onsite audit is conducted to examine system parameters, process controls, and current monitor and control procedures. A physical walk-through is conducted, process flow diagrams are examined, previous design criteria are examined and current standard operating procedures are evaluated along with data logs.
Refinery and Petrochemical IndustryWhat's New!
We have just added "Virtual Audits" to our capabilities. Check out our new Services. We are in the process of developing new courses for our ""Online E-University" in order to meet the needs of our global customers that cannot travel to our public classes.Visit our new website
Refineries and Petrochemical plants come in all different types of sizes and have many different characteristics. They can be very old processing facilities, or have the latest, state of the art technology on the process side as well as the wastewater side. Some pre-treat and discharge to a local POTW and some have final effluent permits. Delivering the final product is what it all comes down to! Many times Refineries have very similar problems to other treatment plants when it comes to wastewater treatment.
Typical Refineries have a ton of spent caustic. Many times they haul this off as hazardous waste. Sometimes this can be used for pH adjustment by other companies in their waste treatment plant. Many times if nitrification is not a problem, this can be bled into their own waste activated sludge plant at low levels with significant reductions in cost.
Refineries many times do not collect all the oils off the process side.
Improvements to your DAF or API can collect this clean oil and return it to
the front end of the system thereby increasing your barrel productivity.
Waste oily sludge many times is hauled off as hazardous waste. With the
right process, this can be re-used sometimes in the coker.
Beneficial Reuse-
What are some of the options available for hydrocarbon
waste that might be used as a fuel source? Oil and Grease- What is it and how to get rid of it Sign up to receive our Monthly Email Newsletter and be ahead of the curve! Refinery and Petrochemical Case Histories
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project, Profile of the
Refinery and or
contacting Environmental Leverage
There are tons of files containing information on every subject from A to Z on the internet with standards, benchmarks and industry BMP's. The problems is, who has time to dig and find it all. It is not always in easy to find places. We have tried to show you some of the ones we though might be useful. There are links to the places where we found some of them in case you want to dig deeper on a particular subject and find out more.
Many refineries have tanks for storage onsite or for spills. Tank remediation is actually very easy to do at refineries. Many refineries spent millions hauling off tanks that have been used to capture spills, when in fact they could perform on-site remediation and either totally clean the liquids up or pre-treat them and slowly bleed them into their existing wastewater treatment plant. Petroleum refining is also the most energy-intensive manufacturing industry in the United States.
Oil removal in critical and scum build up can cause issues at the plant. Scum build-up in weirs of clarifier causing uneven flow and TSS carryover. Did you know that algae in a sample can give a false BOD reading? Many refineries have API's or DAF's prior to the secondary treatment system with Activated Sludge or aeration basins. The more oil and scum solids that can be removed prior to the Aeration Basin, the easier the loading on the biomass in the Aeration basin. Denitrification-Gassification
Solids build-up can cause gassing and ashing on DAF's or API's also that leads to poor removal rates of solids and organics. Bacteria still grow in both pieces of equipment. They are not sterile environments. Lack of oxygen at the bottoms where solids build up can cause oil to burp out of the solids and wind up in the effluent that make its way down to the aeration basin. Take care to measure and control solids build-up in the API and DAF. Here is a broken diffuser in an aeration basin. Oxygen levels are critical to measure in refineries that have to nitrify. Alkalinity is also a critical thing to measure and add if not in sufficient quantities.
Sometimes refineries have lagoons or final polishing ponds.
Here is a picture of floating solids and scum on an aeration basin.
Understanding the biomass, what goes on, how to control it are critical in a
refinery when there are constantly changes in the chemistry that comes in
with the loading. Benzene, toluene and some of the large ring
compounds are really just food to the bacteria, but they must have enough
time and numbers in order to break down the compounds sufficiently.
Black Carbon particles instead of floc 100x Carbon inclusions inside the floc 400x
Wasting out some of the carbon is usually recommended and reseeding with new biomass or commercial seed. MicroSolv 400 Biological Product for Refining and Petrochemical
A common mistake in refineries that we see consistently is the use of Powdered Activated Carbon added to the aeration basins. For a quick band-aid when a toxic spill, this is used occasionally to help the biomass. The PAC absorbs some of the organics. The problem with the use of PAC is that continual use takes up space in the Aeration Basins, creates more solids, leaves less room for healthy active biomass. While your solids may seem higher and MLSS higher, in reality, the solids are not bacteria, the health of the biomass deteriorates and BOD removal and nitrification efficiency eventually drop off.
plants overlook some of the impact and do not realize this. They stop
wasting, build up more solids in the clarifier, increase ashing,
increase lack of oxygen in the system and start the biomass and efficiency
into a downward spiral. Refineries have numerous wastewater issues in their plants.
Why you should do a Total Nitrogen Balance
Many refineries and petrochemical plants have large storage tanks that
they bleed into their secondary biological system. If wastewater is
too long in these tanks, it can become septic and impact the efficiency of
the secondary biological system. Sometimes, something as simple as adding a
small mixer or recirculation pump can help with septicity problems and
filamentous bacteria growth.
Influent chemistries may be composed of hard to degrade organics. Influent wastes may contain aliphatic hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile aromatic carbon compounds. sometimes the systems need to be enhanced with biological products to efficiently degrade such compounds as benzenes, phenols, hydrocarbons, mercaptans, amines, organic alcohols, many chlorinated and non-chlorinated hydrocarbons, surfactants and other difficult to treat compounds. Micronutrients or biological products can often times overcome difficulties that petrochemical plants have with changing influents and hard to degrade compounds. These products can also be used for onsite tank remediation to save thousands of dollars for the company by using bacteria to naturally clean up these tanks.
Boiler and Cooling Tower Blowdown
Case History-Tank Remediation at a PetroChemical Plant
are working with a PetroChemical plant down in Louisiana. They had an
800,000 gallon tank filled with wastewater that they wanted to clean up and
empty out. We suggested a biological program-MicroSolv
400 for tank remediation.
It does not really take long depending upon how much you seed the tank with.
And the bacteria grow and multiply exponentially, so just sit back and wait.
You wind up with a clean tank, clear effluent, and some bacteria residuals
on the bottom of the tank that need to be disposed of- ( usually sent to the
plants onsite dewatering system) or land applied.
Industrial zone Alon Tavor Israel
Plant Issues 900 m3 of Contaminated Soil. Pollution: Crude oil. Several option where evaluated and E. H. Green/Environmental Leverage bioaugmentation program solution was elected. Due to the Hydrologic Area which the plant is located in ,the EPA of Israel instructed the plant to move the soil or reduce the TPH ( Total petroleum Hydrocarbons) from 842 to 100 ppm. Initial proposal assumed that it would take a few months due to high heat in the summer, and mainly the amount of soil and contamination to treat. After two weeks, TPH was down to 311, the following week, 133. Final TPH levels were pulled at 4 locations- 38, 39,81 and 37 were the final TPH readings, ~90-95.6% reduction in TPH ( Total petroleum Hydrocarbons) 80% cost reduction in treating the soil biologically including labor, nutrients, biological products, etc vs. hauling out the dirt as hazardous waste~ Soil Remediation Case History- Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Audits and Onsite Training and Consulting In order to "Audit" or Troubleshoot a Refinery or PetroChemical wastewater treatment plant, a number of things need to be looked at. A physical walk-through of the plant needs to be conducted with visual observations noted. A microscopic analyses of the Biological portion of the waste treatment system needs to be conducted. Settleometer Testing needs to be conducted A sludge judge should be used on a Clarifier Examination of lab data- current testing procedures and results Walk through and correlation of process side to wastewater treatment plant operations A fully detailed final report is issued with process recommendations, system changes, areas for optimization and increased efficiency. For a full onsite audit of your plant- Contact Environmental Leverage inc. 630-906-9791
More troubleshooting for Refineries and Petrochemical plants: Troubleshooting Lagoon Systems
For a full onsite audit of your plant- Contact Environmental Leverage inc. 630-906-9791
Wastewater in the Fall- Problems and Solutions Summer impacts on your plant Hurricane or Severe Weather Upset recovery program Wild Weather Extremes that can impact your plant Beneficial Reuse
Solids Holding Lagoons-Winter BOD issues and bioaugmentation
Learn how Environmental Leverage can help your plant Bioaugmentation in Refineries- impact on BOD and TSS Filamentous bacteria can be a problem is solids are held too long in a clarifier also.
Total System Optimization- Case History Lab Testing and Troubleshooting Newsletter More to come . . . . .
Wastewater Training Options The greatest equipment and the most efficient, dedicated workers can be ineffective if they are not properly trained. At Environmental Leverage, we have years of experience in many process areas and technical expertise on equipment, systems and operations. Programs to optimize your system or custom training can be tailored to increase the reliability and efficiency of your plant. Look for self taught training materials and training courses below.
We have developed a full line of Training CD's and Elearning classes for training and operator CEU's.
Elearning and General Brochure Click for brochure Online Wastewater Training ELearning -Since wastewater training is such an integral part of any treatment system, we have been asked
to develop an online waste water training program with some of our materials.
Click here and Go straight to our WebSite - Take a sneak peek inside our training courses with our ELearning Demo Make sure to create an account and log in. Lab Poster
Environmental Leverage Lab Poster for Wastewater Training. This Microbiology Poster has photos as well as descriptions and troubleshooting recommendations of common micro organisms found in most wastewater treatment plants.
Contact Environmental Leverage for more
information about obtaining this poster for your lab or setting up hands on
training, consulting and onsite audits.